Bloody Mary Cocktail with Sarsons Worcestersauce
- 80ml lemon vodka
- 2 tbsp Sarson’s Worcester Sauce, plus extra to garnish
- ¼ tsp paprika
- Juice and zest of ¼ lemon
- 1 green chilli, split
- 400ml tomato juice
- 1 stick of celery
- Roughly cracked black peppercorns
- Ice Cubes
How to make it??
In a jug or large cocktail shaker, combine the Sarson’s Worcester sauce, lemon vodka, paprika, lemon zest and juice, chili, tomato juice, and season with ½ tsp cracked black pepper. Add one ice cube and shake (or stir in a jug).
Fill two glasses with ice and pour in the Bloody Mary mixture, then garnish with shavings (use a vegetable peeler to create shavings) from the stick of celery and extra Worcester sauce. Serve.

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